The President and Vice President's Public Defense of Homosexual Rights
I often receive pro Bush email from family, friends, and co-workers about the election in general or about Bush specifically and I rarely, if ever, send anything back, but … unless you like living in denial, please read the excerpt from a recent article on Bush and Cheney:
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The President and Vice President's Public Defense of Homosexual Rights by Doug Phillips of Vision Forum
SCHIEFFER: ..Both of you are opposed to gay marriage. But to understand how you have come to that conclusion, I want to ask you a more basic question. Do you believe homosexuality is a choice?
BUSH: You know, Bob, I don't know. I just don't know. I do know that we have a choice to make in America and that is to treat people with tolerance and respect and dignity. It's important that we do that. And I also know in a free society people, consenting adults, can live the way they want to live.
Across America this week the spin-doctors are spinning. The damage control experts are looking for some creative tactic to get Christians to stop thinking about the fact that their born-again Christian president told fifty million Americans, including untold millions of young people, that sodomy should be tolerated, that it is worthy of moral respect, and that homosexuals have every right to practice their perversion.
Yes, President George Bush endorsed and blessed the idea that "consenting adults [sodomites] can live the way they want to live." Though he professes to be a Bible believing Christian, the president told the American people that "I don't know. I just don't know" whether or not homosexuality is a choice.
My case is simple: First, on a defining question of this generation (the legalization and cultural acceptance of homosexuality) through his public statements, funding allocations, policy position on civil unions, executive appointments and much more, President George Bush arguably has the worst track record of any president in American history. For an interesting discussion on this point see both, and Second, the biblical pattern is this: God destroys nations, not because they fail to define marriage, but because the civil magistrate tolerates and condones perversion, or refuses to enforce Gods law (which has been and remains our constitutional, common law tradition---notwithstanding the usurpatious and unconstitutional ruling in Lawrence v. Texas), thus allowing homosexuality to spread unchecked throughout the land. Sodom and Gomorah were not destroyed because they legalized gay marriage. They were destroyed because sodomy pervaded the land and was not punished. The magistrate did not enforce Gods law.
Third, of infinite more significance to the welfare of this nation than who is elected to President, or what amendments to the Constitution are ratified, is the question of the whether or not the elect of God will maintain a pure conscience before the Lord by honestly evaluating the behavior of professing Christian magistrates and holding them accountable to His objective standard. Because I believe that judgment begins in the House of God, it is my conviction that Christian magistrates and spin doctors who compromise on the fundamentals of Gods Word are more dangerous than pagan magistrates and spin doctors who compromise on the fundamentals of Gods Word.
Is the Lesbianism of the Vice Presidents Daughter an Issue?
Yes, for the following reasons. First, Vice President Cheney’s daughter is not merely a practitioner of lesbianism, but a radical lesbian activist well-known throughout the country as a promoter of the worst form of anti-family politics. Second, the Vice presidents lesbian political activist daughter is a key player in the Cheney re-election team, following the Vice President everywhere he goes, and serving as an official representative of the re-election campaign staff.
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If you are interested in reading the whole article (which I hope you are) you can do that here: Doug's Blog
Well everyone knows that I am no Democrat, but I am not pro Bush either. Furthermore, I can not understand why professing Christians can continue to support a President which, on a regular basis, defies the Word of God with his policies by supporting that which is an abomination to the LORD. If you watched, listened to, or read about the recent presidential debates, there should be no doubt in your mind as to the unfitness of Bush (or Kerry for that matter) to run as President. The Bible clearly lays out the qualifications for civil office. There are two primary texts that set forth the standards for choosing civil magistrates: Exodus 18:21 and Deuteronomy 1:13. To a read thorough article on this topic please go to this article by William Einwechter
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