Friday, January 21, 2005

Gods Unto Themselves

On January the 11th, I posted a blog about Children's Television uniting to promote homosexuality (you can read it here). Well, tonight on ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, they "reported" on the Christian right's objection to the "tolerance" video that is being sent to 61,000 public schools. The "objective" report failed to mention that WAFF, the driving force behind the video, actively promotes sodomy through their alliances with the following:

At the end of the report, the self proclaimed conservative Christian, Michael Medved, had this to say about the Christian right's objection (rough quote):

My fellow conservative Christians should place a moratorium on attacking cartoons. It's kind of silly.

Are cartoons now above reproach? Have they been elevated to the status that education and government now enjoy in our society? Are they gods unto themselves, infallible in their teaching? No doubt someone will argue that we do not get our theology from cartoons. And they would be half right, they may not, but kids will. The humanists have long understood the importance of infiltrating the educational systems. If you can subvert the parents and gain direct access to the children, you have won the future. The same tactic worked for converting the churches. The liberals and humanists infiltrated the seminaries and thus produced like-minded pastors who then led entire generations away from Christ and from the Bible as their only standard. The humanists already own much of the public school system and children's television which means if your family is anything like the average American family, THEY ARE TEACHING YOUR CHILDREN AT SCHOOL AND AT HOME.

I suggest that Mr. Medved read the Scriptures: "Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1).

Please read the following excerpt from the "1.5 Uncovering Attitudes About Sexual Orientation" lesson which is a part of the "Writing for Change: Raising Awareness of Difference, Power, & Discrimination" curriculum:

Instructor directions
Ask your students to study the definitions of the terms "homophobia" and "compulsory heterosexuality" and identify ways in which these forces are at work in their lives.

Have them discuss ways in which they are affected by each.

Homophobia: Thoughts, feelings, or actions based on fear, dislike, judgment, or hatred of gay men and lesbians/of those who love and sexually desire those of the same sex. Homophobia has roots in sexism and can include prejudice, discrimination, harassment, and acts of violence.

Compulsory heterosexuality: The assumption that women are "naturally" or innately drawn sexually and emotionally toward men, and men toward women; the view that heterosexuality is the "norm" for all sexual relationships. The institutionalization of heterosexuality in all aspects of society includes the idealization of heterosexual orientation, romance, and marriage. Compulsory heterosexuality leads to the notion of women as inherently "weak," and the institutionalized inequality of power: power of men to control women's sexuality, labor, childbirth and childrearing, physical movement, safety, creativity, and access to knowledge. It can also include legal and social discrimination against homosexuals and the invisibility of or intolerance toward lesbian and gay existence.

The facts are that God teaches that homosexuality is an abomination, "If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them" (Lev. 20:13 - this is not the only verse, just the clearest).

Recommended Reading:


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