A Loaf of Bread, The Epcot Center, and R. J. Rushdoony
My wife is becoming very good at making homemade, whole grain and yeast-free sourdough breads. I love the way the house is filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread and I love the taste of warm bread slathered in REAL butter. All in all, it's a beautiful thing.
Now you might be wondering how on earth I can find a relationship between a loaf of bread, Disney's Epcot Center, and R. J. Rushdoony, but here it is:
As I was musing on my wife's new found abilities to make bread, I was wondering why the whole process brought me so much joy. And it came down to basically one thing: this is one more link which has been broken between our family and the false science that is killing Americans. I am not against large companies. I am not against science (I have a BS degree in Computer Science and my skills are in information technology). I believe in entrepreneurship and in free enterprise. But the ends do not justify the means.
Both my wife and I were raised on mostly processed food. This is not a slap in the face to our mothers, it is just fact. Several years ago, there was a faith in science. A faith that science and technology would always gives better lives and correct all evils. It was believed that if science approved of it, it must be good. I believe we are now coming to the end of an age of putting our faith in science.
I remember going to Disney's Epcot Center when I was a kid. One of the sections of Epcot (I do not remember where) was full of future-looking technology. It was full of hands-on scientific exhibits. Well last month my in-laws very generously paid for both of their children's families to spend a week with them at Disney World. It was a great time for a family reunion and for the grandparents to show how much they loved their 8 grandchildren. As you can imagine I hoped my children would have at least as much fun as I did playing with all the exhibits at Epcot as I did when I was a kid.
...As far as I was able to discern, whatever that exhibit was, it is completely gone.
The only hands-on exhibits left were old IBM laptop and desktop computers and a few computer games that kids can play at home on their own systems (some of the computer stations did not even work). Oh yeah, there was also a fire safety exhibit and one about saving trees. It really was quite sad and rather disappointing. Why the change?
I understand that as an adult I have a different perspective on things, but I believe the change is due to the fact that there is no longer any excitement about what the future holds. People are realizing that science and technology will not save us, in spite of all the promises from scientists claiming that all of man's diseases would be cured by now. Instead we are finding just the opposite.
Yesterday, I was listening to the last tape of R. J. Rushdooy's A Christian Survey of World History series. The title of the lecture is "The 20th Century: The Intellectual-Scientific Elite." Keep in mind that this lecture was given in the year 1971 (I may be off a year or two either way), but he spoke on this exact topic - man's failed attempt to save himself through science. It was a very interesting lecture and series, I highly recomend it.
Much of the food that is sold in stores today can not be really considered food at all. It is a mixture of various chemicals, super heated, and shaped and formed into a food look-a-like substance. It is a creation of science. It is man's attempt to produce a better food than God. And what has been the result? Cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease rates are higher than ever before in our history. Our scientifically processed animal matter is killing us by the thousands. The lab rats (us) are dieing - the experiment has failed (by the way, the humanistic "scientific elite" do see people as expendable lab rats - don't believe me? Just study the history of Communist Russia and Germany.). It is no wonder that much of the world will not accept food aid from the USA. All of our corn and grain has been genetically modified. We produce sterile fruits and vegetables that take a great deal of resources to produce because they can not reproduce themselves - they are a violation of God's natural order. But hey, we don't have to worry about seeds in our grapes - glad we got that one fixed!
Which brings me back to my wife's lovely, natural, truly whole grain, healthy bread, free from hydrogenated and trans fats, free from pesticides, free from man made vitamins, and free from all the other nasty things injected into our food.
Like I said, "it's a beautiful thing."
You guys need to head over to Draught Horse Press and order some books by Joel Salatin. He says some of the same things you have concluded. Have you been reading Rick's weblog, Dry Creek Chronicles? He is musing on some of these same ideas, too. You can find links in my sidebar if you don't know how to get there from here!
Carmon, thanks for the info. I've never read anything by any of the resources you mentioned. We'll take a look.
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