When the US Government Gets Desperate, They'll Steal Your Money!
I'm not speaking of indirect theft through taxation, bailouts, or inflation due to government interference in the real free-market. I'm talking about robbery through coercive force.
Investors and everyday wage laborers have long tried to protect their assets through the conversion of week or unstable government currencies into gold and silver. Why? For many reasons, but in the simplest terms:
- Gold & silver have always been accepted world wide as a valid currency.
- Gold & silver have traditionally increased in value when the dollar (or any fiat paper currency for that matter) falls due to inflation.
Don't believe me? View the 1933 executive order from your favorite Socialist and mine, FDR! So much for asset protection!
Do you really think it can not happen again?
When it comes, it will come wrapped in the flag and a solemn face. It will come with a promise that it is necessary to protect our freedom. It will come with the phrase, "I believe in the free-market, but ...." And all those who do not rush to the bank's doors, throw their gold and silver at the feet of their sovereign, while out of love for the State their hearts burst forth with adoration thanking their country for the opportunity to serve, will be labeled unpatriotic or even traitors punishable by heavy fines (possibly requiring more confiscation) and imprisonment.
Welcome to tyranny.
They don´t need to get desperate. They have been stealing our money for years through fiat money inflation. They have robbed from the poor, the widow, those on fixed incomes and for that matter, everybody's resources through the legalized counterfeit of the central bank... the Federal Reserve. It´s only a matter now of magnitude. It´s going to get worse!
Randy Sperger... info@tapanta.org
Thieves, either civilian, or under the color of law will be shot.
Wayne B.
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