Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Christian Social Action

For leftists, the phrase "social action" brings heavenly visions of a utopian humanistic society where everyone is perfectly equal (except for the controlling class of course) and without wants or needs. It is a place where the State (the controlling class) takes care of everyone and holds the place of savior.

Unfortunately, for those on the "right," the vision is no longer much different. Bush and the other Big Government Republicans are proving this to be true.

What should the Christian’s position be on social action? After all, in the New Testament Book of James, chapter 1, verse 27, James writes "Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress ...," but to what end?

Mark Rushdoony, son of the late R. J. Rushdoony, has a great article on the purpose of Christian social action entitled "The Christian and the Social Agenda." Read it and find out why the increasingly humanistic right is looking more like the left every year (hint--it has something to do with ones view of the Kingdom of God).


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