The Pledge of Allegiance: How to Take a Stand
Henry Family,
Thank you for the kind words and the great question!
My wife and I homeschool our children so this is not an issue that I personally have had to deal with, but here are my suggestions:
Regardless of where your children attend school, God has placed you, the parent, as the child's protector, guardian and spiritual guide. They are YOUR responsibility and as such it is up to you to first teach your children what is right in the sight of God, and second to communicate the same truth to those to whom you have delegated your children’s education.
I was not homeschooled. I attended public (State) school for all but one or two years of my K through 12 education. I distinctly remember during one semester of Junior High school in which part of our Physical Education curriculum was to learn how to square dance (I grew up in Texas). At the time my father was the pastor of the local Southern Baptist church and he did not approve of dancing. Therefore, the PE teacher was notified that for religious reasons I would not be participating in the dancing classes. This is one example of a parent doing what he thought was necessary to protect his children.
I do not know the specifics of what my father did or said to excuse me from this activity, but I do not recommend simply using a "religious reasons" excuse (I am not saying this is what my father did). Spell it out for them. If possible, find original documentation of the issue at hand. Print out the two articles I referenced and put together an informational document explaining why you have made this important decision for your family.
Fathers showing their children HOW to take a stand AND teaching them WHY you are taking a stand is one way to build a future generation of strong, principled Christians!
We are homeschoolers as well, so don't have to deal with the issue directly in our children's lives, as far as day to day school goes. We do live, however, in a town that has one of the largest Christian school and colleges. Many of our friends and relatives go to this school and during many of their programs they do the pledge. We have sent the articles to our family and asked them to review and read them. But, as a Christian witness in this community, at ball games (which we attend, oh, once a decade :) ) if we don't say the pledge, the impression is given that we are not good Christians. Now, I would agree that we don't live for impressions. But it's sort of like the "prayer" thing that everyone expects every good Christian to say before every meal. If you don't, or you are ever spotted not praying before a meal, you can't be a Christian!
I guess I was looking for some pratical experience or testimonies from your families life as to what God has done as you have taken this stand against a socialist, anti-Christian pratice in what most people consider a Judeo-Christian nation.
Couldn't agree more with your comments and suggestions as a father for our children though!! Yes, I was in public school for one year of my life (I'm a product of the Christian school movement, otherwise), and my father too sent the note in saying I would not participate in square dancing! :)
Would enjoy talking more :)
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