Thursday, September 22, 2005

The New World Order And The Treaty of Versailles

In the previous post, originally written by Dave Black, Bush senior's "New World Order" (NWO) is mentioned. However, the NWO did not originate with Bush senior. It has been building for a long time. In fact, it has been in it's present form since the days of Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles.

I recently listened to a speech given by Dr. George Grant in 1992 where he talked about "The New World Order" which was officially set in motion at the Treaty of Versailles to end WWI. Where Woodrow Wilson and the other Western Allies, "the masterminds of the New World Order," "played at being God and rolled men like dice." All of the quotes below are from Dr. Grant's speech.

Winston Churchill said, in reference to the Treaty of Versailles, "This treaty is the sad story of a complicated idiocy in the making of which much toil and virtue has been and surely will be consumed. We are in for hell over the next few generations and no furies will stop this hell from consuming our children."

"Most of the agonies of the 20th century, the redrawing of the maps [at Versailles], can be traced back to the foolishness of the framers of this treaty. Framers who actually believed that they could fabricate some sort of novsis ordo seclorum [see the back of the $1 bill], a New Age, a New World Order. In fact, in the minutes of the meetings at Versailles, that phrase, which occurs again and again and again on all of the lips of the greatest of these great western leaders. 'We are here to forge a New World Order.' Woodrow Wilson reported back to Congress when he presented the treaty to them. 'We have the opportunity' he said, 'to forge on the anvils of our own experience the foundations of freedom and liberty for all times to come.'" George Grant said in his speech. "All of the world's modern flash points can be traced back to a genesis at Versailles."

G. K. Chesterton said "Democracy, and its impulses, are perhaps a good thing, in their place. And their place is set by the great traditions of Christian civilization. But this treaty [Versailles] departs from it all together! The foolish prejudice of egalitarian usurpers and socialist rabble-rousers has robbed us of our true democratic heritage which is justice, righteousness, freedom, responsibility, civility and Christian cohesiveness and thus it has wrought us the gross afflictions of our day and of days to come. You can't catch rabbits with drums or pigeons with plums -- a good thing is not good out of its place."

Grant also states that all the nations of the world and the traditions behind them, were "suddenly usurped in a moment, in a passion to recreate the world in the image of some vain imaginings. It's rather difficult to fathom. The world literally went through a convulsive revolution at Versailles that changed its character forever."

The great historian Phillip Johnson said that "at Versailles, the 20th century was set on its course. And its course was set on the basis of 3 great overriding principles that threw out all of the traditions of Christendom, perhaps forever." What were the three principles? They were first, bureaucracy, second, pluralism and third, faith in contemporaniaty (which also means a loss of an understanding of history - their greatest weapon in leading the sheep to the slaughter).

There is more good information in Grant's speech and you can purchase it at for $1.99 (it is actually part 1 of 4 of the speech, but I do not have the other parts).

You can also read this article which outlines "The New World Order Timeline" ( and then Unfortunately, it leaves out at least two very important links. The first being the Treaty at Versailles (but it does mention Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson who promotes "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx") and the other being 1971, when Nixon converted America's economy from the gold standard to, in the words of R. J. Rushdoony, a "fascist economy" as the American people watched and applauded their new form of slavery.


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