Thursday, September 29, 2005

Bush wants his domestic SysAdmin force-now!

Bush wants to build a massive military force on our own soil (Police State anyone?). While I do not agree with every conclusion in the source article (I do not think it uncovers Bush's full intent), I really apreaciated this quote:

"Meanwhile, Bush demonstrates his continued willingness to bite off more than the GOP is comfortable chewing. He is definitely moving into LBJ range. In the end, he will outdo Reagan in his massive expansion of the federal government."

By the way, Thomas Barnett (the author of the article) is the author of a book titled "The Pentagon's New Map [for globalization]." I do not agree with his vision for the future, but he has great insights into what is going on in the world as far as the US military is concerned (the US military is being sold to other countries [in his words] as a "service"). Seems like an expensive service to me; paid for with the blood of our country men.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


The following bill not only means the death of free speech, but more importantly, it means the end of biblical preaching in America. Any pastor who is faithful to the Word of God should now be prepared to go to jail. In fact, under the new bill (if passed into law), my last sermon would land me in jail. When will American Christians wakeup? When will they realize that their "Christian" Republican party and President are a fake, a facade, a lie?

By Rev. Ted Pike

On Sept. 14, the US House of Representatives passed, 223-199, the ominous federal "anti-hate" bill, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2005. It was inserted as AMDT.2662 into the Children's Safety Act. If approved unaltered by the senate judiciary, this legislation is ready for the President to sign into law.

Here is a summary of what the bill would make law:

Although AMDT.2662 ostensibly empowers the government to assist states in prosecution of violent hate crimes, its actual effect will be much more far-reaching. AMDT.2662 will lead to enforcement of the working definitions of "hate" and "hate crimes" which are enforced by the many "anti-hate" bureaucracies in countries throughout the western industrialized world. In such countries, it is now a "hate crime" to criticize members of federally protected groups such as Jews and homosexuals. Utilizing such definitions, "hate crime" indictments have been made or are currently being pursued by Canada, England, Sweden, Germany, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. AMDT.2662 builds a foundation for a "hate crimes" bureaucracy in America, also ending free speech.

Here are some of the specially protected groups which AMDT.2662 defends:

Homosexuals. Any public criticism of homosexuals will soon be considered a hate crime, just as it was for 11 Christians under the Pennsylvania hate crime law on Oct. 10, 2004. These Christians were arrested as "hate criminals" for preaching during a huge "gay pride" rally and faced 47 years in prison and $80,000 fines each.

Women. A woman who claims her boyfriend used a sexist word against her and raped her the last time they had sex, can press charges for a "hate crime" of rape. Punishment will triple the usual penalty, about 30 years in prison.

Jews. Already the Dept. of Global Anti-semitism, being established in the US State Dept., makes it "anti-semitic" to express "strong anti-Israel sentiment" against Israel or its leaders. It also says upholding the New Testament charge that Jews killed Christ is "anti-semitic." Under "anti-hate" laws in Canada and Europe, such statements are "hate crimes" punishable by harsh fines and imprisonment.

AMDT.2662 will hasten such anti-Christianity in America as well.


If this amendment is approved, FCC restrictions will soon descend on American talk show hosts, with lists of banned topics. Hosts will be fined or imprisoned and stations will lose their broadcast licenses, just as in Canada, if they violate these restrictions.

In Canada in Aug. 2004, "CHOI FM," Quebec City's most popular talk show station, was dissolved by the Canadian government. Its 33 employees were put out of work. Its offense? One of its talk show hosts criticized African dictators whose children were educated in Canadian universities. This was considered a "hate crime" against blacks.

If AMDT.2662 is passed, exactly the same will soon happen to broadcasters who stray from the new "politically correct" FCC guidelines. AMDT.2662 will also invite pedophiles, witches, warlocks, Satanists and even "sinners" to acquire special federal protection from those who criticize them, including pastors. In England especially, Satanists and witches are included under Britain's new, stiffer "anti-hate" law.

If passed, AMDT.2662 will provide immediate special FBI, Justice Dept. and local police assistance to protected groups that claim to have been offended. As the nation saw last October in Philadelphia, on the slightest evidence of bias, police will descend on Christians, pastors, talk show hosts and station managers, indicting them with trumped-up "hate crime" charges and exorbitant penalties.


The sovereign rights of states to enforce the law as they see fit has posed a huge barrier to establishment of a federal "anti-hate" bureaucracy. Until now, the government has had to prove that such abuses as jury tampering, voter fraud, slavery, or crimes involving interstate commerce existed in states before they could meddle in state law enforcement. AMDT.2662 would legitimize as law several devious strategies to break down all barriers to federal intrusion.

AMDT.2662 asserts that if a violent bias crime within a state in any way affects interstate commerce, the federal government has the right to invade state law enforcement. This means that if a homosexual has been called a "faggot" and threatened to have his butt kicked by a gas station attendant, and as a result does not patronize that gas station whose products have come from across the state line, the federal government can intervene. Or if the homosexual buys a Greyhound ticket (vehicle of interstate commerce) to resettle in San Fransisco as a result of such threatened "violence," the federal government has a green light to take over state hate crime law enforcement in that state.

AMDT.2662 asserts that bias in states is a "relic" of slavery. This bill contends that the presence of bias-motivated violent crime within a state is proof that slavery still exists in that state. This provides the same justification for intervention that the federal government had in putting down slavery during the Civil War!

Under AMDT.2662, the government can take over local law enforcement if:

  1. States do not have "anti-hate" laws. Sec. B (b)(2A)
  2. States are not enforcing state and federal hate laws as zealously as the federal government wishes. Sec. B (b)(2A)
  3. States do not produce the kind of verdicts in hate crimes trials that the federal government wants. Sec. B (b)(2D)


AMDT.2662 flatly violates the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits government from favoring any particular group.

AMDT.2662 will give hate crimes bureaucrats control of the federal anti-hate agenda. Very quickly, via enabling legislation and judicial precedent, any pretext of respect for the rights of Christians or dissenters will dissolve, as has happened under anti-hate laws in Canada, and under Pennsylvania's ADL hate law in Philadelphia on Oct 10.

All criticism of protected groups via politically incorrect terms, such as "homosexual" or "sodomite," will become a hate crime, just as it is under British hate law. A huge number of legal precedents will continuously widen hate law jurisdiction. Courts will quickly clog with federal indictments. Staggering backups of unresolved cases will make the federal hate law, like Roe vs. Wade, virtually impossible to repeal.

Canada provides a telescope to American legislators, warning them of the legal confusion and financial exhaustion which comes to those who run afoul of hate crimes bureaucracies. Members of the senate judiciary committee are in a position now to insist that our time-tested legal system be allowed to continue to do what it has done so well for centuries: punish all crime, including "hate crime," according to physical evidence--- not according to the vagaries of "bias motivation."

National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The New World Order And The Treaty of Versailles

In the previous post, originally written by Dave Black, Bush senior's "New World Order" (NWO) is mentioned. However, the NWO did not originate with Bush senior. It has been building for a long time. In fact, it has been in it's present form since the days of Woodrow Wilson and the Treaty of Versailles.

I recently listened to a speech given by Dr. George Grant in 1992 where he talked about "The New World Order" which was officially set in motion at the Treaty of Versailles to end WWI. Where Woodrow Wilson and the other Western Allies, "the masterminds of the New World Order," "played at being God and rolled men like dice." All of the quotes below are from Dr. Grant's speech.

Winston Churchill said, in reference to the Treaty of Versailles, "This treaty is the sad story of a complicated idiocy in the making of which much toil and virtue has been and surely will be consumed. We are in for hell over the next few generations and no furies will stop this hell from consuming our children."

"Most of the agonies of the 20th century, the redrawing of the maps [at Versailles], can be traced back to the foolishness of the framers of this treaty. Framers who actually believed that they could fabricate some sort of novsis ordo seclorum [see the back of the $1 bill], a New Age, a New World Order. In fact, in the minutes of the meetings at Versailles, that phrase, which occurs again and again and again on all of the lips of the greatest of these great western leaders. 'We are here to forge a New World Order.' Woodrow Wilson reported back to Congress when he presented the treaty to them. 'We have the opportunity' he said, 'to forge on the anvils of our own experience the foundations of freedom and liberty for all times to come.'" George Grant said in his speech. "All of the world's modern flash points can be traced back to a genesis at Versailles."

G. K. Chesterton said "Democracy, and its impulses, are perhaps a good thing, in their place. And their place is set by the great traditions of Christian civilization. But this treaty [Versailles] departs from it all together! The foolish prejudice of egalitarian usurpers and socialist rabble-rousers has robbed us of our true democratic heritage which is justice, righteousness, freedom, responsibility, civility and Christian cohesiveness and thus it has wrought us the gross afflictions of our day and of days to come. You can't catch rabbits with drums or pigeons with plums -- a good thing is not good out of its place."

Grant also states that all the nations of the world and the traditions behind them, were "suddenly usurped in a moment, in a passion to recreate the world in the image of some vain imaginings. It's rather difficult to fathom. The world literally went through a convulsive revolution at Versailles that changed its character forever."

The great historian Phillip Johnson said that "at Versailles, the 20th century was set on its course. And its course was set on the basis of 3 great overriding principles that threw out all of the traditions of Christendom, perhaps forever." What were the three principles? They were first, bureaucracy, second, pluralism and third, faith in contemporaniaty (which also means a loss of an understanding of history - their greatest weapon in leading the sheep to the slaughter).

There is more good information in Grant's speech and you can purchase it at for $1.99 (it is actually part 1 of 4 of the speech, but I do not have the other parts).

You can also read this article which outlines "The New World Order Timeline" ( and then Unfortunately, it leaves out at least two very important links. The first being the Treaty at Versailles (but it does mention Colonel Edward M. House, a close advisor of President Woodrow Wilson who promotes "socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx") and the other being 1971, when Nixon converted America's economy from the gold standard to, in the words of R. J. Rushdoony, a "fascist economy" as the American people watched and applauded their new form of slavery.

Patrick Henry Was Right

What does liberty mean in the twenty-first century? Can it be maintained? “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”— do these words have any relevance for a society that has largely forgotten its historical roots?

Consider the plight of the American people. We have become apathetic, even apologetic of our heritage. We have forgotten that the original intent of the Constitution was to place limits on the government’s ability to intrude into people’s lives. We have bought the Devil’s lie that humans can build a utopian heaven on earth through what Bush the Elder called a New World Order.

Perhaps more than any other Founding Father, it was Patrick Henry who tried to warn his compatriots that adopting the U.S. Constitution would eventually lead to a consolidated empire instead of a federated republic, which they had under the Articles of Confederation. If our Founders had foreseen that the Constitution would be used to overthrow liberty and establish despotism, they probably would never have ratified it. The Anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry were distrustful of a central government that was built at the price of liberty. That’s why they insisted on the Bill of Rights—to stay the hand of tyranny for as long as possible.

Henry said,

We are descended from a people whose government was founded on liberty…but now the American spirit assisted by the ropes and chains of consolidation is about to convert this country into a powerful and mighty empire; if you make the citizens of this country agree to become the subjects of one great consolidated empire of America, your government will not have sufficient energy to keep them together; such a government is incompatible with the genius of republicanism.

Years later, Alexander Stevens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America, would say,

The great vital question now is: shall the federal government be arrested in its progress and be brought back to original principles, or shall it be permitted to go on in its present tendencies and rapid strides until it reaches complete consolidation?

More recently James Hall, writing in Etherzone, noted:

The events of September 11, 2001 were tragic, but hardly provide justification to abandon our Constitution or deploy the military to every corner of the globe. The security of the United States is not enhanced by perpetual intervention and permanent war. The Presidency is meant to lead the country, not to transform the nation into an empire.... President Bush has overseen an expansion of the federal government, that no Democratic administration could accomplish. His use of executive orders has only increased the scope and reach of central authority. Resonantly absent are any efforts to enact fundamental conservative policies, or to reverse past policies of liberal administrations. Appointments and procedures all reinforce and expand a dominant role of bureaucratic agencies over local jurisdictions. The defense of liberty has been forsaken and is the ultimate causality of the Bush legacy.

In the end, Patrick Henry and the Anti-Federalists were right: People are far too trusting of government. Henry realized what few of us are willing to admit any longer—that men are basically evil, intrinsically power-hungry, and inherently incapable of being anything but tyrants in their feeble attempts to play God.

September 19, 2005

David Alan Black is the editor of

Detecting Wisdom From Above

Here is the link to my latest sermon. It was given on 8/28/05 and covered James 3:13-18.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

For Once, An Honest Assessment

Here is an honest assessment of Reconsturctionism, by a non-reconstructionist who attended Chalcedon's 40th anniversary Conference:

Thursday, September 15, 2005


You can express any opinion you want ... as long as it matches those of the academic authorities (which is Marxist by the way). Otherwise, they'll throw you in jail.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Thomas Jefferson: Conspiracy Theorist

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to accidental opinion of the day; but a Series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrations) plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery."

- Thomas Jefferson, referring to the future of the Illuminati

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

FEMA Purposefully Cutting Emergency Communication Lines in LA!

Broussard on Meet the Press:
" We have been abandoned by our own country."

There is something seriously wrong people!

My wife just watched the head of FEMA blame the local officials saying that the first responsibility is theirs (which is true). However, after watching the above clip, there can be no doubt that the local officials were impeded from doing their job by FEMA!

Please note: It has come to my attention that the sob story at the end of this clip, may have been embellished or falsified, which is very sad. Never the less, the other activities by FEMA have not been disputed what-so-ever.